Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Republican National Convention - Some Questions Finally Answered

Today the Court finally threw out the final case against the so called RNC 8. A group of people accused of felonies, including domestic terrorism.

During the RNC, as I watched and reported the events unfolding those four days, we were screaming about this on Radio Free Nation. One of the responses I got from someone who visited our site...."If this was such a big deal, why don't we see this on FOX or ABC?"....another question was "Are you serious, do you really think the Sheriff would arrest innocent Americans?"....still another question was.."What do you care about a bunch of Anarchist criminals?"

A lot of questions have been answered since these cases have come to court. Still more questions have been answered by the deafening silence of the Ramsey County Sheriff...the Sheriff who was so vocal about the pre-emptive arrests. But where was the courage of our City leaders to stand up when this was happening? Where was the accountability from our City leaders for what did happen?

The only person in Saint Paul City leadership that seemed to give a damn was Dave Thune. Like him or not, he was the most vocal in his criticism of the events that occurred and the arrests. Personally, I think Councilman Thune did what was right and he did it when his peers and leaders and law enforcement DID NOT. For that, he deserved our admiration and respect, instead his critics tried to marginalize him as some nut case liberal. Truth is, he may be the only one left in City Hall with the courage to really lead.

There's a thin line between democracies and dictatorships....all it takes is for you and I to ignore things like this long enough...yeah, its that important.

Too dramatic you say? Think of it in this context...and then do some homework. History is littered with despots and tyrants who came to power because the people, people like you and I, failed to question their use of authority. They failed to stand up at critical times and say NO MORE to those who were either miss-using their power or misguided enough by their own fear to believe they were doing something good.

Lest you think this isn't your problem, consider this....America now imprisons more of its citizens than any other nation on the planet. When polled, most American's said they'd be willing to give up certain Civil Liberties in exchange for security.

Here are some questions I think we still need to answer as a community. Have you let fear dictate your actions? Have you let fear silence you? Have you let apathy guide you? Are you waiting until your own rights are violated? What about the rights guaranteed to us in our Constitution, are you willing to let those slip?

800 people arrested. Dozens of Journalists jailed. Eight people charged with felonies related to DOMESTIC TERRORISM. China, Russia, Cuba, Iran?..NO, Saint Paul, Minnesota.

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