Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Holy Handwriting Batman!

Saint Paul, Minnesota (RFN)
February 25, 2008
By Marty Owings

Coleman Lead Attorney Ben Ginsberg showed some 300 plus "illegal" ballots placed on poster boards and set expertly on easles placed just behind him in view of the media camera's. Ginsberg was making a point about the situation that the court has placed his case in. When the three judge panel ruled some categories of ballots "illegal" it is Ginsberg's assertion that they created a contridiction by allowing what would now be considered illegal ballots into the count. This would likely mean that if the court does not reverse itself, the Coleman team could appeal the case.

More At Radio Free Nation Independent News.

Ginsberg called the ballots in the display "a massive number of votes that are clearly illegal". The ballots, all from St.Louis county were unsigned, rendering them illegal under Minnesota law, and yet these ballots were among those counted. As seen in the photographs, you can see the voters name and address, but no signature. One of the ballots has X's on it rather than the voters name, address and so on.

Upon closer observation of the ballots, both Minnpost Reporter Jay Wiener and I noticed a curious similarity in the hand writing. Not being a hand writing expert, I'll let you decide, but many of these ballots appear to have the same hand writing. We're still working on what situation would cause this...stay tuned.

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