Monday, April 6, 2009

Rep. Phyllis Kahn Says Fellow Law Maker Doesn't Care About Oklahoma City Bombing Victims

Saint Paul, Minnesota
April 7, 2009
By Marty Owings

Representative Phyllis Kahn (DFL), today accused fellow Legislator Joyce Peppin (R) of not caring about the victims of the Oklahoma City bombing when Peppin proposed a measure to cap art projects at State buildings. Kahn's comments drew gasps and some boo's from the House floor. Almost immediately the Speaker, Margaret Anderson-Kelliher, took the uncommon step of reminding Kahn of the rules which outline decorum on the House floor.

Peppin said she didn't appreciate the comments and felt Kahn had stepped over the line, an opinion shared by her Colleagues in the GOP. Representative Tom Emmer called Kahn's comments outrageous. Laura Brod a Republican Law Maker from New Prague said it might have been the most outrageous thing she'd ever heard on the House floor. Brod called for Kahn to apologize.

For her part, Representative Kahn seemed more interested in focusing on the technicalities of the measure rather than an apology. When questioned about the issue she indicated it wasn't a big deal and that her and Peppin had no history of hostility.

Here is the audio and the follow up comments.

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