Friday, October 17, 2008

The Last Debate

Minneapolis, Minnesota

The last debate was notable for a few things; Joe The Plumber, Senator Government and John McCain's desperation. McCain came out swinging and didn't pull any punches, going after Obama for his connections with Bill Ayers and Acorn. Obama responded calmly, as anyone with a 14 point lead in the point lead and less than 24 days to go should be.
What was also notable was that both Candidates failed to address what was really on America's mind..."How the hell are we gonna pay for the mess we're in?"
McCain and Obama wanted to talk about Joe the Plumber and Bill Ayers and Acorn, but most Americans wanted to hear about how they planned to pay for all their proposed fixes of the economy.
McCain didn't win, he just appeared desperate. Obama didn't lose, he just appeared safe.

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